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Is Bob Dylan a Good Harmonica Player?

Writer's picture: Liam WardLiam Ward

Think of Bob Dylan and you probably think of him with a harmonica on a rack round his neck. Harmonica has had a prominent place in his music, and made him possibly the most famous harmonica player of all time, but is Bob Dylan a good harmonica player? Let's find out.

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Examining Bob Dylan's harmonica playing

It’s easy to see why Bob Dylan’s harmonica playing divides opinion. Let's face it, his harmonica playing isn't always technically advanced. For many, the mere mention of the harmonica brings Dylan to mind (while groundbreakers like Little Walter or geniuses like Paul deLay rarely get a look in). Dylan’s widespread association with the instrument isn’t entirely his own fault though, and to my knowledge he's never asked to be the poster boy for the harmonica so it can feel unfair that he represents something he's arguably not very good at.

Still, I understand why people take issue with his playing. Indeed, it's completely fine to dislike a sound - that’s a natural, visceral reaction. That can't be helped. But should we take the next leap and condemn Dylan for his lack of harp technique?

Dylan’s Influence on My Career

I'm a professional harmonica player and teacher, and I certainly don't hold up Bob Dylan as one of the greats when I'm teaching students. So it's ironic that Dylan’s music was the overwhelming reason I picked up the harmonica in the first place. When I started my YouTube harmonica channel, it felt natural to focus on his songs at first so that's what I did. While I couldn’t always replicate his style exactly (some of his playing is so erratic that it's almost impossible to tab accurately), I took inspiration from his melodies and approach. In many ways, I owe my career to Bob Dylan.

Do I find some of his solos painful? Absolutely. But I also enjoy a lot of them. And let’s be honest—there are actually worse harmonica players out there (sorry, Alanis - you’re a phenomenal musician, just not on the harmonica).

The Dichotomy of Dylan’s Harmonica

Dylan’s harmonica playing isn’t about technical skill; it’s about suitability. His best moments come when he sticks to short, understated fills between verses - proof that less is often more. His harmonica isn’t just an accompaniment; it’s part of the sound that defined an era.

In fact, his lack of ability can make his playing compelling in its own way. It reveals vulnerability, contrasting beautifully with his often hard-edged lyrics and persona. (Maybe I’m overthinking it, but there’s something there.)

Black and white photo of Bob Dylan in front of studio microphone, with harmonica on neck rack.
Bob wondering "Is Bob Dylan a good harmonica player?"

Bob Dylan’s Best Harmonica Solos

I believe Dylan’s finest harmonica moments often come when he’s gentle, allowing the instrument to counterbalance intricate guitar work without overpowering it. Here are some highlights:

  • "Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right" – A bittersweet counterpoint to the intricate guitar.

  • "The Times They Are A-Changin’" – Shortened fills that complement the song’s momentum.

  • "Shelter from the Storm" – A light, heavenly outro.

  • "You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go" – Energetic yet surprisingly tasteful (by Dylan’s standards).

  • "Just Like a Woman" – The outro is wailing and harsh, but it kinda works.

  • "I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight" – Clean and simple, proving he can play clean notes when he wants to!

Bob Dylan’s Worst Harmonica Solos

For every great Dylan harmonica moment, there’s one that’s… less than stellar. Some live recordings and bootlegs suggest he might not even have the right key harmonica at times! While his studio takes tend to fare better, here are a few misses:

  • "I Don’t Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)" – Awkward note choices throughout.

  • "Desolation Row" – Long and shrill, especially on the E harp he's using.

  • "Hurricane" – Inconsistent and wince-inducing.

  • "Ugliest Girl in the World" – Fills that feel downright nasty.

  • "Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35" – Rough and grating, though maybe intentionally so, given the song’s theme (“everybody must get stoned”).

Bob Dylan's Harmonica Playing: The Verdict

Bob Dylan's harmonica playing is often questioned, but his contribution to the history of the instrument is undeniable. While I’ll admit that some of his solos can be painful to listen to, overall, I enjoy his playing and the unique character it brings to his music.

For me, it depends how we want to think about music. Is music a battle, with each competitor fighting to be the best? Or is it a creative form of expression, with each musician struggling to find a way to bear their soul in a compelling way? I like to think it's the latter, so however good or bad the technique, the real question is not "Is he good?" but "Does this move me?" Music isn't about 'good' or 'bad'. It's a question of taste - like food, everyone's musical taste buds are unique. And if you don’t like the taste of Dylan’s harmonica, that's cool - just turn off the record.

Bob Dylan’s harmonica solos are never about showing off - they’re about adding texture and contrast. Rough around the edges, yes, but they’re an integral part of some of his greatest songs. And like many others, his music was what inspired me to pick up the harmonica in the first place.

So while his style might divide opinion, I’ll always be happy to defend him. Besides, let’s face it—Dylan probably doesn’t care what harmonica players think of his skills anyway! What's your opinion - is Bob Dylan a good harmonica player?

P.S. Check out this suspiciously swooning defence of Dylan's harmonica playing which goes as far as to compare Dylan’s “peppering” technique to the work of jazz giants like Coltrane and Charlie Parker.

I hope that's answered the question: is Bob Dylan a good harmonica player?

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