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Send in the Clowns

Judy Collins

Key: Eb (Ab harp in 2nd position)

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Verse 1

1  -1  -2  -2

Isn't it rich

  1   -1  -2   -2

Are we a pair

-3//   -3    3   -3//  -3    -3     -3

Me here at last on the ground

-3   -4   -1    2

You in mid-air

   2     -2    1         -1

Send in the clowns

Verse 2

1  -1  -2  -2

Isn't it bliss

  1         -1     -2     -2

Don't you approve

-3//    -3       3        -3//  -3   -3    -3

One who keeps tearing around

 -3     -4        -1          2

One who can't move

     2       -2     1         -1

Where are the clowns

   2       -2    -2/    -2

Send in the clowns


-2/      -3   -3//   -3        -2/  -3  -3//     -3           

Just when I'd stopped   op-en-ing    doors

-2/  -4/   -3//  -3   -4/   -4/  -4/   -4  -4  -4 -4/   -3//   -3    

Fi -  na – lly    knowing the one that I wanted was yours

-2/  -3    -2/   -2   -3//     -3//  -3//      -3    -3   -3  -3//  2    -2/   

Making  my   entrance    a     - gain     with my  u – su - al   flair

  8      9   8/    9/

Sure of my lines

2    -2    1       -1

No one is there

Verse 3

  1        -1    -2     -2/     -2

Don't you love   a     farce

  1   -1    -2   -2

My fault, I fear

-3//  -3     3    -3//      -3       -3    -3    -4

I thought that you'd want what I want

-3   -4   -1     2

Sorry, my dear

   2      2    -2    1       -1

But where are the clowns

                    2     -2   1       -1

(Quick!) Send in the clowns

   -1      2   -2         -2/     -2   

Don't bother, they're here

[Instrumental break]

Verse 4

1  -1  -2  -2

Isn't it rich

1   -1  -2   -2

Isn't it queer

-3//   -3      3    -3//  -3   -3      -3

Lo  -  sing my   tim - ing this late

-3     -4       -1    2

In    my     career

   2       2       -2     1       -1

But where are the clowns

  -1          2      -2    1      -1

There ought to  be  clowns

-1        2    -2     -3//   3

Well, maybe next year

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