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Summertime (Paddy Richter Harmonica)

Paddy Richter Harmonica

Paddy Richter Harmonica (3rd position)

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-6     -5    -6      6     -5     6  -6 -5  -4  3

Summertime and the living is  ea-sy 

-6    -5      6      6      -5   -4   -5   -4   -5    5

Fish are jumping and the cotton is high 

  -6     -6   -5    -6        6      -5     6    -6      -5     -4   3

Your daddy’s rich, and your mama’s good-looking 

3         4      3    4     -4  -5     -6    6     -5    -4

 So    hush litt - le  baby     do-on’t you cry

 -6   -6     -5    -6        -6          6       6  -5   6  -6  -5   -4    3

One of these mornings,  you're gonna ri-ise up singing

  -6     -5          6          6        6       -5     -4        -5    -4   -5    5

And you'll spread your wings and you'll take to the sky

  -6   -6   -5    -6       -6      6      -5     6    -6      -5     -4     3

But till that morning, there ain't nothin' can harm you

    3      4   3    4    -4     -5     -6    6   -5    -4

With daddy and mammy sta-an-din' by

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