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The Girl from Ipanema (Game Changer - Trochilus Harmonica)

Game Changer - Trochilus Harmonica

Game Changer - Trochilus Harmonica

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  6       5       5   -4     6        5      5    5  

Tall and tan and young and lovely 

  -4    6      5       5  -4   6  5   5    5    5 

The girl from  Ipanema goes walking 

  -4      -5       -4   -4 -4       4      5       4     4     4   -3/      4 

And when she passes, each one she passes goes “Aah”

When she walks, she's like a samba

That swings so cool and sways so gentle that

When she passes, each one she passes goes “Aah”

-5   -5s  -5  -4s  -5  -4s    4s  -4s  

Oh, but I watch her so sadly

6s  -6  6s  -5s  6s  -5s   5   -5s

How can I tell her “I love you?"

-6    -6s   -6      6      -6     6      -5    6

Yes, I would give my heart gladly

-6     -6s      7        4       -4       5    -5   6    6s

But each day, when she walks to the sea

-6     -6s          -3/     4   -4    5    -5    -5s

She looks straight ahead, not at me

Tall and tan and young and lovely 

The girl from Ipanema goes walking 

And when she passes, I smile but she doesn't see

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