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Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (Paddy Richter Harmonica)

Paddy Richter Harmonica

Paddy Richter Harmonica (2nd position)

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    -3      -2       -3     -2  -2   2 -1

Swing low, sweet cha-ri-o-ot

 -2    -2   -2  -2  -3 -3  -4      -4

Coming for to carry me home

  5   -4    -3      -4        -2  -2  2  -1

Swi-ing low, sweet cha-ri-o-ot

 -2    -2   -2  -2  -3 -3  3     -2

Coming for to carry me home

-3    -4     -2  2  -2  -2     2     -2     -2  -2   2   -1  

I looked over Jordan and what did I see-ee

 -2    -2   -2  -2  -3 -3  -4    -4

Coming for to carry me home

-4      5      -4   -3  3   -2    -2   -2    -2  -2    2   -1

A   band    of    a-an-gels      coming after   me-ee

-2    -2   -2   -2  -3  -3  3    -2

Coming for to carry  me home

Click here to learn about Paddy Richter tuning

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